





Car generally engine, chassis, body and electrical equipment such as the four basic components.Automobile engine is the power device, composed of tow agencies the Department of five components: a crank connecting rod mechanism, a gas distribution mechanism, cooling system, lubricating system, fuel supply system, ignition system, starting system of diesel engine, but less than a gasoline engine ignition system.



《汽车构造》Automobile Structure

《汽车设计基础》Basis of Automobile Design

《汽车发动机原理》Principle of Automobile Engine

《汽车运用工程》Automobile Application Engineering

《汽车运行材料》Automobile Operating Material

《车用传感技术》Vehicle Sensing Technology

《汽车贸易》Automobile Trading

《汽车市场营销》Automobile Marketing

《汽车服务企业管理》Management of Auto Service Enterprise

《汽车服务系统规划与企业设计》Auto Service System Planning and Enterprise Design

《汽车保险与理赔》Automobile Insurance and claim

《电子商务概论》Electronic Commerce Conspectus

《机械原理》Mechanical Principle

《制造技术基础》Manufacturing Technology Basis


完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了完成了 !!!

1. Therefore,an automotive engine is an internal combustion engine,which burns fuel within thecylinders and converts the expanding force of the combustion into rotary force used to drive the automobile.


2. They can significantly improve fuel economy without sacrificing performance or driving range,and may also increase power and provide additional auxiliary power for electronic devices and power tools.


3. These springs he to be very strong bacause at high engine speeds,the valves are pushed down very quickly,and it is the springs that keep the valves in contact with the rocker arms.


4. The ignition switch allows the driver to start and stop ignition by opening and closing the circuit between the electrical engry source and the other ignition components.


5. The clutch allows engine power to be lied gradually when a vehicle is starting out ,and interrups power to oid gear crunching when shifting.


6. A hydraulic cluth (?)linkage typically includes a cluth master cylinder and reservoir, a hydraulic line and a sle cylinder.


7. Disk brakes,used for years for front wheel lication,are fast replacing drum brake on the rear wheels of modern cars.


8. The most familiar combinationis the reciprocating,spark-ignited,gasoline engine,shown in Fig.1-1a. The modern automobile is usually driven by a water-cooled,piston-type internal combustion engine,mounted in the front of the automobile ; its power may be transmitted either to the front wheels, to the rear wheels,or to all four wheels.

图1-1a.显示了最常见的往复式火花塞点火结合的汽油机,新式的汽车通常通过安装在汽车前端的水冷 活塞式内燃机驱动,它的动力可以传送到前轮、后轮或者全部的四个车轮。

9. The electronic motor is used to assist the engine when accelerating or hill climbing and in low-speed driving conditions where internal combustion engines are least efficient.Some HEVs also automatically shut off the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop and restart it when the accelerator is pressed.This prevents wasted energy from idling.Unlike all-electric vehicles,HEVs now being offered do not need to be plugged into an external source of electricity to be recharged; conventional gasoline and regenerative braking provide all the energy the vehicle needs.


10. In an electric ignition system,the points are replaced with a control module and the lobes on the cam are repalced with a trigger device .The trigger device uses a magnetic force field to induce a small “trigger” voltage in the control module to turn off the current to the oil. As it passes,the module turns the current back on..It is extremely accurate in when it does this.Another advantage of an electronic ignition system can produce voltage,up to twice the voltage a conventional system can produce.



cope side 指上半截,drag side指下半截。

In foundry work, the terms cope and drag refer respectively to the upper and lower parts of a two-part casting flask, used in sand casting.




汽车概论 :Introduction of automobile

汽车底盘构造 :Automobile chassis structure

汽车发动机构造 :Automobile engine structure

汽车理论 :The theory of automobile

汽车制造工艺学 :Automobile manufacturing technology

热工基础 :Based on thermal

汽车发动机电控技术 :Electronic control technology of automobile engin

汽车底盘电控技术 :Electronic control technology of automobile chassis

汽车发动机设计基础 :Foundation design for automobile engines

汽车发动机动力学 :Automobile engine dynamics




原句:Yuor are going across the Rocky Mountains . Suddenly the engine starts to make strange noises and the plane begins to go down into one of the mountains. your radio does not work,and nobody knows where you are .



1、suddenly ['s?d?nli] :adv. 突然地;忽然。

2、engine ['end?n] :n. 引擎,发动机;机车,火车头;工具.

3、starts :n. 开始(start的复数);开创;v. 开始;起动;开创(start的三单形式)

start [stɑ:t] :vt. 开始;启动;vi. 出发;n. 开始;起点。

4、strange [streind?] :adj. 奇怪的;陌生的;外行的;adv. 奇怪地;陌生地,冷淡地

5、noises ['n?iziz] :n. 噪音,响声,噪音(noise的复数形式);v. 谣传(noise的第三人称单数形式)

6、begins:begin [b?'g?n] :vt. 开始;vi. 开始;首先


arise suddenly突如其来

Suddenly Monday忽然星期一

Ooohh suddenly啊

lee suddenly离走

so suddenly如此突然

Suddenly feeling猛然间

Suddenly Second忽然这一秒

Until Suddenly等到顿悟

Cos suddenly突然产地来源证

diesel engine 柴油机(等于diesel)

search engine 搜索引擎

gasoline engine 汽油机,汽油发动机

engine oil 机器润滑油

combustion engine 内燃机;燃烧机;内燃机燃烧机

internal combustion engine 内燃机

main engine 主机,主发动机

engine room 轮机舱

engine performance 引擎性能

rocket engine n. 火箭发动机;火箭引擎

engine cylinder 发动机汽缸

steam engine 蒸汽机

automobile engine 汽车发动机引擎

engine parts 发动机部件

gas engine 内燃机;燃气发动机

engine power 发动机功率;额定功率

engine speed 发动机转速度;引擎转速

internal-combustion engine 内燃机

inference engine [计]推理机

motorcycle engine 摩托车发动机;摩托车引擎

fire engine消防车;救火车;灭火引擎;灭火泵

gasoline engine[动力] 汽油机;[动力] 汽油发动机;汽油引擎;垫片

heat engine[热] 热机;[热] 热气机;热力发动机;热机热机

main engine主机;症动机;主发动机;车主机

engine speed发动机转速;发动机转速度;引擎转速;转速

knight engine套阀式发动机;套式气门发动机;套阀发动机;套式气门策念头

engine car后置发动机轿车

Frostbite Engine寒霜引擎;霜引擎;冻伤引擎

difference engine差分机;差分引擎;差数机;表演者

Autumn begins立秋

Winter begins立冬

Training begins教师开展培训

Begins Night开始之夜

Autumnal begins立秋

Kenny Begins肯尼归来

mn begins侠影之谜

Semester begins学期开始

Instruction Begins授开始

begin with 以…开始;开始于…

begin at 几点开始;从……开始

begin again 重新开始;重做

begin to do 开始做某事

begin as 作为…开始

begin doing 开始做某事


1、VVT(Variable Valve Timing)是可变气门正时系统。该系统通过配备的控制及执行系统,对发动机凸轮的相位进行调节,从而使得气门开启、关闭的时间随发动机转速的变化而变化,以提高充气效率,增加发动机功率。而VVT中文意思是“可变气门正时”,由于用电子控制单元(ECU)控制,因此起了一个好听的中文名称叫“智慧型可变气门正时系统”。该系统主要控制进气门凸轮轴,又多了一个小尾巴“i”,就是英文“Intake”(进气)的代号。这些就是“VVT-i”的字面含义了。VVT—i系统是智能可变气门正时系统的英文缩写,发动机已普遍安装了VVT—i系统。VVT—i系统可连续调节气门正时,但不能调节气门升程。

2、VVT(Variable Valve Timing)可变气门正时系统。该系统通过配备的控制及执行系统,对发动机凸轮的相位进行调节,从而使得气门开启、关闭的时间随发动机转速的变化而变化,以提高充气效率,增加发动机功率。

3、发动机可变气门正时技术(VVT,Variable Valve Timing)原理是根据发动机的运行情况,调整进气(排气)量、气门开合时间、角度,使进入的空气量达到最佳值,提高燃烧效率。优点是省油、功升比大;缺点是中段转速扭矩不足。

